Teleng Ria Beach

Jul 1, 2010

Teleng Ria Beach

Teleng ria beach is one of the most beautiful beach town of Pacitan tourism, the beach is very close of Pacitan town, you only need 10 minutes travel time to reach the teleng ria beach, the beauty of this beach is not very big waves and wide beach area, if you are from jogjakarta distance of about 70 km, entrance fees to the location of teleng ria beach is 10 thousand per person, do not worry about the inn here, because you'll easily find hotels, villas and bars. The beach is flanked by two of the plateau, which is part of the limestone mountain range stretching from the South to the Psychology of Gunung Kidul to trenggalek, Ria teleng Beach is the southern coast bordering the Indian Ocean. Another attraction is why many foreign surfers' chose teleng ria beach is because the atmosphere is still relatively quiet beaches. Between the months of June-August teleng ria beach became a place of migration groups jellyfish. Around the coast we can also buy various kinds of fresh fish catches of the fishermen. The first time setting foot on the teleng Ria Beach, cool mountain air can you feel the South's been. When you are standing on the beach, you can see the limestone mountain range located on the right side, left-coast. Mountain wind that makes the air around the beach was cool, even though the sun at noon looked so hot.
Interested to surround the edge of Teleng Ria Beach, you can walk or ride a horse. The rental price of horses to surround the coast range from 20 thousand to 1 hour. teleng ria beach Enchantment can be seen more clearly, when you see it from afar. To find the attraction, you can sail into the teleng ria beach using a motorboat or a sailboat that has been available. The rent, ranging from 15 thousand per 30 minutes for sailboats and 25 thousand per 30 minutes for the boat motor. But for the sake of safety while in the middle of the sea, it is advisable for you to not sail alone, but with a sailboat owner or keeper of the boat.


Borobudur Temple

Jun 15, 2010

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple is one of the seven wonders of the world that are in indonesia, location of this temple in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The route you can travel to get to the Borobudur temple is that if you from the direction of jogja, you can go to the north of magelang street. Or if you come from the west (Kebumen), at the crossroad that leads to the town Purworejo and routes to Yogyakarta, just turn to the north, this magnificent temple built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of old Mataram Kingdom, the descendant Sailendra dynasty. For tickets go to the temple area of Rp 15,000 (fifteen thousand) Rupiah.
Travel to visitors starting from the bottom and follow the road around the temple clockwise, climbing to the top through the three levels of Buddhist cosmology, the first level is called Kamadhatu (world of desire),then the second level is Rupadhatu (world of forms) and the last level is about Arupadhatu (world no shape). All relief panels in Borobudur temple reflect the teachings of the Buddha. Hence, this temple as educating the media for those who want to learn Buddhism.
You do not have to worry about the hotel or inn, because in the area of Borobudur Temple was a lot of hotels, the fare ranging from Rp 100,000 per night to Rp 500,000 per night. Please visit this magnificent temple of Borobudur.
There are tips in buying souvenirs at the temple site, you do not immediately agree with the prices offered by the seller.Often the sellers are here to fix prices offhand, but we could just get a cheaper price if we wanted a little tour.


Lombok Island

Jun 10, 2010

Lombok Island

lombok map
Lombok Island is one of the interesting sights of the many islands in Indonesia, the Lombok island is located to the east of the island of Bali, the capital and largest city on the island is Mataram. If your visit from the island of Bali, there are three main ways to reach this island of Lombok, with a small plane, high-speed ferry or by the local ferry and slow. And if you dive hobby southwest coast of Lombok island is the best, including earthen nanggu, gili tangkong, gili Sudak, gili gede and many others. Or surf on the beach Bangko-Bangko, because the waves here's great for beginners, the culture of the island of Lombok is almost similar to the island of Bali. The island has Gunung Rinjani, an active volcano in Indonesia's second highest mountain with an altitude of 3726 meters (12 224 ft). This picture of lombok island was taken from You also do not have to worry about the hotel, because in almost every corner of the island there are hotels that are ready to receive you, as well as providing a guide to take you around the island of Lombok is.
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